
This notebook shows how to plot an XRD plot for the two polymorphs of CsCl ($Pm\overline{3}m$ and $Fm\overline{3}m$) by computing the structure factors.

In [1]:
# Set up some imports that we will need
import math, cmath
from pymatgen import Lattice, Structure
from pymatgen.util.plotting_utils import get_publication_quality_plot
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from IPython.display import Image, display
import collections

%matplotlib inline

We will now set up some data and variables.

In [2]:
# Atomic scattering factors for Cs and Cl obtained from Structure of Materials.
data = {
    "Cs": [55, 6.062, 155.837, 5.986, 19.695, 3.303, 3.335, 1.096, 0.379],
    "Cl": [17, 1.452, 30.935, 2.292, 9.980, 0.787, 2.234, 0.322, 0.323]

CuKa = 0.1542 * 10 # Angstrom

Let us now write the actual method to plot the XRD. This method is a simpler replica of the version that Prof Ong has implemented in the Python Materials Genomics ( materals analysis code. It is less efficient, but the steps are more clearly laid out.

In [3]:
def plot_xrd(structure):
    Let's define the XRD plot generation in a function that works for any given structure.
    This takes into account the Lorentz polarization factor and the multiplicity factors, 
    but not the Debye-Waller factor. 
    latt = structure.lattice
    # Obtain crystallographic reciprocal lattice and points within
    # limiting sphere (within 2/wavelength)
    recip_latt = latt.reciprocal_lattice_crystallographic
    recip_pts = recip_latt.get_points_in_sphere([[0, 0, 0]], [0, 0, 0], 2 / CuKa)
    intensities = {} 
    two_thetas = []
    for hkl, g_hkl, ind in sorted(recip_pts, key=lambda i: (i[1], -i[0][2], -i[0][1], -i[0][0])):
        if g_hkl != 0:
            theta = math.asin(CuKa / (2 / g_hkl))
            s = g_hkl / 2
            s_2 = s ** 2
            # Calculate the structure factor, given by the sum of the atomic scattering factors.
            f_hkl = 0
            for site in structure:
                el = site.specie.symbol
                d = data[el]
                #Atomic scattering factor equation using parameters for Cs and Cl
                fs = d[0] - 41.78214 * s_2 * sum([d[2 * i + 1] * math.exp(-d[2 * i + 2] * s_2) for i in xrange(4)])
                f_hkl += fs * cmath.exp(2j * math.pi *, site.frac_coords))
            # Intensity is given by modulus squared of structure factor
            i_hkl = (f_hkl * f_hkl.conjugate()).real

            #This corrects for the Lorentz factor.
            lorentz_factor = (1 + math.cos(2 * theta) ** 2) / (math.sin(theta) ** 2 * math.cos(theta))

            two_theta = 2 * theta / math.pi * 180

            #Deal with floating point precision issues.
            ind = np.where(np.abs(np.subtract(two_thetas, two_theta)) <
            if len(ind[0]) > 0:
                intensities[two_thetas[ind[0]]][0] += i_hkl * lorentz_factor
                intensities[two_theta] = [i_hkl * lorentz_factor, tuple(hkl)]

    max_intensity = max([v[0] for v in intensities.values()])
    plt = get_publication_quality_plot(16, 10)
    for k in sorted(intensities.keys()):
        if k < 90: # Let's limit the plot to < 90 degrees
            v = intensities[k]
            i = v[0] / max_intensity * 100
            plt.plot([k, k], [0, i], color='k', linewidth=3, label=str(v[1]))
            plt.annotate(str(v[1]), xy=[k, i], xytext=[k, i], fontsize=16)
    plt.xlabel("2 \\theta (degrees)")
    plt.ylabel("Intensities (scaled)")

$\alpha$-CsCl ($Pm\overline{3}m$)

Let's start with the typical $\alpha$ form of CsCl.

In [4]:
# Create CsCl structure
a = 4.209 #Angstrom
latt = Lattice.cubic(a)
structure = Structure(latt, ["Cs", "Cl"], [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])

Compare it with the experimental XRD pattern below.

In [5]:
display(Image(filename=('./PDF - alpha CsCl.png')))

$\beta$-CsCl ($Fm\overline{3}m$)

Let's now look at the $\beta$ (high-temperature) form of CsCl.

In [6]:
# Create CsCl structure
a = 6.923 #Angstrom
latt = Lattice.cubic(a)
structure = Structure(latt, ["Cs", "Cs", "Cs", "Cs", "Cl", "Cl", "Cl", "Cl"], 
                      [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0], [0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5], 
                       [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0, 0, 0.5], [0, 0.5, 0], [0.5, 0, 0]])


Compare it with the experimental XRD pattern below.

In [7]:
display(Image(filename=('./PDF - beta CsCl.png')))

In [7]: